Pregnancy, Labour, Birth & Your Baby [online]

These courses are written by expert psychologists, health visitors, pyschotherapists, NHS and Education professionals – and are part of the Solihull Approach series of parenting courses.
Courses are FREE to parents living in both Calderdale and Kirklees using the access code below.
Suitable for at everyone involved with baby – mums, dads, grandparents, friends and relations.
- ‘Understanding your pregnancy, labour, birth & your baby
- ‘Understanding your baby’
- ‘Understanding your child’ 0-19+yrs (main course)
- ‘Understanding your child with additional needs’ 0-19+yrs (main course)
- ‘Understanding your teenager’s brain’ (short course) ·
- ‘Understanding your child's feelings’ (taster course)
- ‘Understanding your relationships’(young people, adults, older adults course)
- ‘Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing (accompanies UYC and/or UYCAD)
- ‘Understanding your brain (for teenager’s only!)’
- ‘Understanding your feelings (for teenager’s only!)’
To access the courses visit:
Solihull Approach | inourplace | Understanding your child
Use the Access code: TKparents
Fill in some basic details to create an account and you’ll have free unlimited access to the courses.
If you can’t find the dates or courses that you want or you’re having difficulties using the online system please contact: Please check your inbox, junk, and spam for your confirmation emails. If you haven’t received your confirmation email you can get it resend here.
If you need to cancel your course please use the link in your confirmation email.